¿Cómo sabe un administrador del sistema si la gran cantidad de funciones dentro de SAP Solution Manager están funcionando de manera confiable? Por ejemplo, ¿es posible hacer una declaración sobre la disponibilidad de todos los agentes de diagnóstico? ¿La recolección de datos funciona de manera confiable? Cuando se envían alertas, ¿está esto en línea con las expectativas y de acuerdo con la configuración? ¿Cómo podemos asegurar, por ejemplo, que el empleado relevante esté informado rápida y deliberadamente sobre un incidente en el infraestructura de apoyo?

Las infraestructuras de soporte para el "Monitoring & Alerting Infrastructure" de ahora en más MAI y otras funciones centrales de SAP Solution Manager se monitorean mediante el autocontrol y el autodiagnóstico. La integración en la gestión de notificaciones y en la Gestión de servicios de TI (ITSM) garantiza que los empleados relevantes envíen y procesen los problemas. En las siguientes secciones, mostraremos los pasos de configuración necesarios para configurar el autocontrol.
Configuración de autocontrol en Solman
El punto de partida para la configuración es el centro de trabajo Configuración de SAP Solution Manager (Transacción SAP SOLMAN_SETUP). En el área de navegación, seleccione Supervisión técnica. Luego, elija SolMan Self-Monitoring entre las opciones de selección disponibles en el lado izquierdo de la pantalla.
La configuración para el autocontrol sigue el enfoque de principio descrito en los capítulos anteriores. Por lo tanto, no analizaremos los pasos de Descripción general y Configuración de infraestructura aquí. En su lugar, limitaremos nuestra discusión a aquellas características específicas asociadas con la configuración del autocontrol. Por lo tanto, comenzaremos con el paso 3, en el que configuraremos Monitoreo y alertas. El paso más importante aquí es el paso 3.2, que contiene la configuración real para el autocontrol. En este paso, especifique los objetos de administración para los cuales se activará la generación de alertas. En este paso se muestra una tabla que describe todas las opciones posibles. La primera columna muestra todas las opciones de autocontrol posibles para SAP Solution Manager en una estructura de árbol.
Descarga este capítulo entero sobre cómo configurar en Solution Manager el Autocontrol (en inglés)
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Más información
El capítulo a descargar es una parte del libro "Monitoring and Operations with SAP® Solution Manager" de SAP Press.
Les dejo el índice completo por si les interesa el libro:
Introduction to Technical Operations 21
1.1 Operations Control Center and Run SAP Like a Factory . 21
1.2 Significance of Application Lifecycle Management
for Technical Operations . 23
1.2.1 Application Lifecycle Management . 23
1.2.2 ALM Phases 25
1.2.3 ALM Processes . 27
1.3 Technical Operations Using SAP Solution Manager . 29
1.4 Project Management 32
1.4.1 What Is a Project? . 32
1.4.2 Run SAP Method 33
1.5 Toys Inc.: Initial Situation 34
1.5.1 Company 34
1.5.2 System Landscape . 34
1.5.3 IT Operations 35
1.6 Additional Documentation 38
Architecture and Configuration of SAP Solution Manager 7.1 39
2.5 Initial Configuration of SAP Solution Manager 70
2.5.1 Configuration of SAP Solution Manager 71
2.5.2 System Preparation . 71
2.5.3 Basic Configuration 76
2.5.4 Configuration of Managed Systems . 82
2.6 Customer Example: SAP Solution Manager Implemented at Munich Re 86
2.7 Additional Documentation 89
Implementation Projects 91
3.1 Projects versus Solutions . 91
3.2 Project Types 92
3.2.1 Template Project 93
3.2.2 Implementation Project 93
3.2.3 Maintenance Project . 94
3.2.4 Upgrade Project 94
3.3 Project Cycle . 94
3.3.1 Project Administration . 95
3.3.2 Blueprint 95
3.3.3 Configuration 96
3.3.4 Testing 97
3.3.5 Training 97
3.3.6 Go-Live . 97
3.4 Prerequisites for Project Creation 98
3.4.1 General Information on Configuration . 98
3.4.2 Necessary Authorizations 98
3.4.3 Additional Requirements 100
3.5 Project Definition and Project Administration . 100
3.5.1 Creating a Project . 101
3.5.2 General Data for Projects 103
3.5.3 Specifying the Project Scope . 103
3.5.4 Defining Project Team Members . 104
3.5.5 Defining the System Landscape . 105
3.5.6 Creating and Changing Project Templates . 107
3.5.7 Working with Milestones in the Project 108
3.5.8 Working with Organizational Units in the Project . 108
3.5.9 Project Standards 108
3.6 Project Support for Monitoring Implementation . 109
3.6.1 Process Mapping 109
3.6.2 Business Blueprint 112
3.6.3 Maintaining Technical Contents 114
3.6.4 Roadmap and AcceleratedSAP 114
3.7 Implementation Documentation . 116
3.7.1 Adjusting Business Processes 117
3.7.2 Adding Documents and Objects . 117
3.7.3 Maintaining Keywords and Attributes . 119
3.8 Reporting . 119
3.9 Documentation Transfer to Operations . 121
3.9.1 Creating a New Solution . 121
3.9.2 Transferring Information to an Existing Solution 123
Root Cause Analysis . 125
4.1 Root Cause Analysis in SAP Solution Manager 125
4.1.1 Prerequisites for Root Cause Analysis 127
4.1.2 Navigation Concept 128
4.1.3 Root Cause Analysis at Toys Inc. . 131
4.2 Method-Independent Tools 133
4.2.1 OS Command Console 134
4.2.2 File System Browser 136
4.2.3 Introscope 138
4.3 End-to-End Methodology: Change Analysis 144
4.3.1 Change Analysis Tools in SAP Solution Manager . 144
4.3.2 Data Extraction and Storage 145
4.3.3 Using End-to-End Change Analysis 149
4.3.4 Using the Change Reporting Tool 153
4.3.5 Approaches and Examples 161
4.3.6 Configuration Validation . 163
4.4 End-to-End Methodology: Workload Analysis . 181
4.4.1 Workload Analysis Tools in SAP Solution Manager 181
4.4.2 Data Extraction and Storage 182
4.4.3 Using End-to-End Workload Analysis 184
4.4.4 Using Database Analysis . 188
4.4.5 Using Thread Dump Analysis 190
4.4.6 Approaches and Examples 193
4.5 End-to-End Methodology: Trace Analysis 199
4.5.1 Trace Analysis Tools in SAP Solution Manager 199
4.5.2 Using End-to-End Trace Analysis . 200
4.5.3 Using Introscope Transaction Trace . 207
4.5.4 Approaches and Examples 209
4.6 End-to-End Methodology: Exception Analysis . 209
4.6.1 Exception Analysis Tools in SAP Solution Manager 210
4.6.2 Data Extraction and Storage 210
4.6.3 Using End-to-End Exception Analysis 211
4.6.4 Using the Log Viewer 213
4.6.5 Approaches and Examples 215
4.6.6 Exception Management 217
4.7 Additional Documentation 225
Technical Monitoring 227
5.1 Motivation 227
5.2 Overview of Technical Monitoring 228
5.3 Monitoring and Alerting Infrastructure 229
5.3.1 MAI Architecture 229
5.3.2 MAI Data Providers 232
5.3.3 Event Calculation Engine 236
5.3.4 Alert Consumer Connector 241
5.3.5 Template Concept for Monitoring System Components . 242
5.4 Technical Monitoring Configuration 246
5.4.1 Overview 247
5.4.2 Configure Infrastructure 247
5.4.3 Standard Users 261
5.4.4 Template Maintenance . 264
5.4.5 Define Scope 285
5.4.6 Setup Monitoring . 286
5.4.7 Reporting . 287
5.4.8 Complete 288
5.5 Technical Monitoring Work Center . 289
5.5.1 System Monitoring—Monitoring UI 290
5.5.2 Alert Inbox . 294
5.6 Monitoring Concept at Toys Inc. . 296
5.6.1 Requirements for System Monitoring 297
5.6.2 System Landscape Documentation 297
5.6.3 Roles and Responsibilities . 299
5.6.4 Metrics . 300
5.6.5 Defining Thresholds 301
5.6.6 Auto-Reaction Mechanisms 302
5.6.7 Instructions and Escalation Paths 302
5.7 Customer Example: Using SAP Solution Manager 7.1 for Technical Monitoring of an SAP Landscape for an Education Service Provider 302
5.8 Customer Example: Using SAP Solution Manager 7.1 for Technical Monitoring at Geberit . 306
Monitoring Special Solutions 311
6.1 BI Monitoring with SAP Solution Manager 311
6.1.1 Properties of BI Monitoring 313
6.1.2 Configuring BI Monitoring 316
6.1.3 Purpose of BI Monitoring 326
6.1.4 Using BI Monitoring . 327
6.2 Central Monitoring of SAP NetWeaver PI 336
6.2.1 Advantages of PI Monitoring with SAP Solution Manager . 338
6.2.2 Configuring PI Monitoring 338
6.2.3 Using PI Monitoring . 350
6.2.4 Message Search 357
6.2.5 Additional Documentation . 357
6.3 End-User Experience Monitoring 358
6.3.1 Concept of End-User Experience Monitoring 358
6.3.2 Technical Infrastructure 360
6.3.3 Configuring End-User Experience Monitoring 361
6.3.4 Creating EEMon Scripts 364
6.3.5 Using End-User Experience Monitoring . 368
6.3.6 Implementing EEMon in Toys Inc. 374
6.3.7 Additional Documentation . 376
6.4 Monitoring Technical Connections 377
6.4.1 Configuring Connection Monitoring 378
6.4.2 Using Connection Monitoring . 386
6.5 Interface Channel Monitoring . 387
6.5.1 Prerequisites for Interface Channel Monitoring . 388
6.5.2 Configuring Interface Channel Monitoring 388
6.5.3 Using Interface Channel Monitoring 394
6.5.4 Additional Documentation . 395
6.6 Self-Monitoring in SAP Solution Manager . 396
6.6.1 Setting Up Self-Monitoring . 397
6.6.2 Using Self-Monitoring . 398
6.6.3 Additional Documentation . 411
Technical Administration 413
7.1 Notification Management . 414
7.2 Maintaining Repeatable Activities: Overview 416
7.3 Task Management 418
7.4 Central System Administration (CSA) 420
7.5 Guided Procedures . 425
7.5.1 Preparation . 426
7.5.2 Types of Guided Procedures 426
7.5.3 Maintaining Guided Procedures 427
7.6 Work Mode Management . 439
7.7 IT Calendar . 442
7.8 Central Tool Access . 444
7.9 Using Guided Procedures at Toys Inc. . 446
7.10 Additional Documentation 448
Technical Analysis and Reporting . 449
8.1 Prerequisites and Motivation 449
8.2 Service Level Management . 451
8.2.1 Growing Importance of Service Level Management . 451
8.2.2 Scope of Service Level Management . 452
8.2.3 Pros and Cons of Using Service Level Management . 453
8.3 Technical Analysis in SAP Solution Manager 454
8.3.1 Generated Documents and Service Data Download 456
8.3.2 SAP EarlyWatch Alert 456
8.3.3 SAP EarlyWatch Alert for Solutions 461
8.4 Service Level Reporting . 462
8.4.1 CCMS Monitoring Infrastructure . 463
8.4.2 CCMS Enhancement Options 464
8.5 Setting Up Service Level Reporting . 464
8.5.1 Selection Options in the Service Level Report . 466
8.5.2 Central Performance History 470
8.5.3 Central Performance History and Service Level Reporting . 471
8.5.4 Planned Downtimes and Critical Uptimes . 474
8.5.5 Service Level Reporting and Business Warehouse Systems 475
8.5.6 Interpreting the Results from SAP EarlyWatch Alert and Service Level Reporting 475
8.5.7 Post-processing the Service Level Report 481
8.5.8 Publishing the Service Level Report 483
8.6 Interactive Reporting 484
8.6.1 System Reports . 484
8.6.2 Metric Monitor . 488
8.6.3 Extractor Framework . 489
8.6.4 Self-Monitoring of BW-Based Reports . 493
8.7 SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse 494
8.8 Management Dashboards . 495
8.8.1 Authorization Concept 497
8.8.2 Calling and Managing the Management Dashboard 497
8.8.3 Typical Management Dashboard Views . 501
8.9 Additional Documentation 503
Data Volume Management . 505
9.1 Motivation and Key Questions 506
9.2 Prerequisites and Setup 508
9.2.1 Strategic Use/Benefit 508
9.2.2 Users and Authorizations 509
9.2.3 Technical Preparation . 510
9.2.4 Guided Initialization . 511
9.2.5 Initialization at Toys Inc. . 530
9.3 DVM Landscape . 530
9.3.1 Technical Scenarios for Data Volume Management . 530
9.3.2 Integrating More Systems . 533
9.4 Maintenance of DVM Infrastructure 535
9.4.1 Status Summary for the Data Volume Management Work Center . 536
9.4.2 Treating Technical Problems . 537
9.4.3 Data Volume Management at Toys Inc. 538
9.5 Configuring Analyses . 539
9.5.1 Defining the Analysis Scope 540
9.5.2 Definition of Analyses at Toys Inc. 544
9.6 Reporting Using the Data Volume Management Work Center . 544
9.6.1 Statistics and Trend . 546
9.6.2 Potential Savings 549
9.6.3 Archiving Information . 550
9.6.4 Service Documents . 551
9.6.5 Query Execution at Toys Inc. . 551
9.7 Additional Documentation 557
Job Scheduling Management . 559
10.1 Overview and Motivation . 559
10.2 Requirements for Job Scheduling Management . 561
10.2.1 Initial Analysis 561
10.2.2 Analysis of Occurred Problems 562
10.2.3 Creating User Types and Assigning Roles . 562
10.2.4 Technical Requirements 566
10.2.5 Roadmap as an Integration Guide . 566
10.3 Setting Up and Using Components of the JSM Suite . 567
10.3.1 Job Overview 569
10.3.3 Job Management Work Center . 570
10.3.4 JSM Health Check . 576
10.3.5 Create Job Documentation . 579
10.3.6 Business Process Monitoring Alert Reporting Analysis . 584
10.3.7 SAP CPS by Redwood . 586
10.3.8 Job Request, Job Redirect of a Job Request Shortcut, and Job Interception . 589
10.3.9 ITSM Integration 599
10.3.10 Notification 601
10.4 Toys Inc. . 601
10.5 Additional Documentation 602
Business Process Operations 605
11.1 Business Process Monitoring Tools 605
11.1.1 Methods: Stabilization and Improvement . 606
11.1.2 Business Process Analysis 608
11.1.3 Business Process Analytics 610
11.1.4 Business Process Monitoring . 610
11.1.5 Dashboards . 612
11.2 Monitoring Concept and Standard Processes 614
11.2.1 Concepts and Roles in Business Process Monitoring 614
11.2.2 Standard Procedure for Alert Handling 616
11.2.3 Additional Documentation . 618
Authorizations in the SAP Solution Manager System . 619
12.1 Maintaining the User Master Record . 619
12.2 Password Management . 622
12.3 Maintaining Roles and Authorizations Using the PFCG Transaction . 624
12.3.1 Editing the Proposal Values of the PFCG Roles 628
12.3.2 The Role Concept in SAP Solution Manager 631
12.3.3 The Role Concept in Administered Systems . 635
12.3.4 Work Center Roles in SAP Solution Manager 636
12.3.5 Functional Roles . 642
12.3.6 Infrastructure Roles . 646
12.3.7 CRM Authorization Roles 647
12.3.8 Authorizations in SAP Service Marketplace . 647
12.3.9 Access Administration in SAP Solution Manager . 648
12.4 Information Sources for Authorization Assignments 650
12.4.1 Security Guide for SAP Solution Manager 7.1 . 650
12.4.2 SAP Solution Manager—Security and Authorizations Wiki . 651
12.5 Creating an Authorization Concept . 652
12.5.1 Requirements Analysis 654
12.5.2 Basic Concept . 656
12.5.3 Detail Concept 657
12.5.4 Implementation and Testing . 658
12.5.5 Hand Over to Operations 658
12.6 Customer Example—Authorization Concept at Munich Re 659
12.7 Additional Documentation 660
Excelente material, totalmente recomendable.