El otro día tuve que relevar unos procedimientos del área de tesorería de una empresa y me pareció útil rescatar las transacciones propias que en SAP usaban... por supuesto eliminaré del listado aquellas transacciones zetas. He comparado el listado con el siguiente listado que tomé desde ForoSAP, ya que me ha parecido muy buen aporte que merece la pena ser reposteado en nuestra web.

El listado de las transacciones de tesorería más utilizadas
- FV11 - Create condition
- FV12 - Change condition
- FV13 - Display condition
- TBDM - Market Data File Interface INPUT
- TBEX - Spreadsheet for Market Data
- FLQC9 - Delete Flow Data
- FLQC10 - Regenerate Flow Data
- FLQAD - Assignment from Invoices
- TBC1 - Datafeed: Define variants
- TBDD - Datafeed: Feed/Mode/Destination
- FLQAC - Assignment from FI Information
- FZ03 - BAV Data ANL, AEN, ANZ Real Estate
- FLQAB - Assignment from Bank Statement Info.
- JBYC - Overview/Maintenance of Yield Curves
- FLQC4 - Other Actual Accounts
Y el listado completo de transacciones de tesorería (SAP FI TR)
- FV11 - Create condition
- FV12 - Change condition
- FV13 - Display condition
- TBDM - Market Data File Interface INPUT
- TBEX - Spreadsheet for Market Data
- FLQC9 - Delete Flow Data
- FLQC10 - Regenerate Flow Data
- FLQAD - Assignment from Invoices
- TBC1 - Datafeed: Define variants
- TBDD - Datafeed: Feed/Mode/Destination
- FLQAC - Assignment from FI Information
- FZ03 - BAV Data ANL, AEN, ANZ Real Estate
- FLQAB - Assignment from Bank Statement Info.
- JBYC - Overview/Maintenance of Yield Curves
- FLQC4 - Other Actual Accounts
- FLQAM - Manual Assignment
- TR3T - Reorganization of variant groups
- TRMT - Translation Tool - Drilldown Report.
- TBC2 - Datafeed: adjust workflow
- TRM0 - Execute Report
- FLQLI - Line Item List
- FLQT1 - Create Transfer Posting
- FLQC3 - Company Code Data
- FLQINFACC - G/L Accounts w/ Liquidity Item Info
- FLQT2 - Change Transfer Posting
- FLQT3 - Display Transfer
- TRMO - Transport reports
- TBD4 - Datafeed: Updated market data
- JBIRM - Reference Interest Rate Maintenance
- FZ02 - BAV Data ANL, AEN, ANZ
- FLQC13 - Settings for FI Mechanisms
- FLQQC1 - Edit Query (FI Information)
- FLQQD1 - Edit Query (Invoice Information)
- FLQC14 - FI Assignment Analysis
- FLQQC3 - Display Query (FI Information)
- FLQREP - Payment Report
- FLQLQR - List of Queries
- FLQLS - Totals List
- FLQQB1 - Edit Query (Bank Statement)
- FLQQB3 - Display Query (Bank Statement)
- FLQQB7 - Test Request (Bank Statement)
- FLQQC7 - Test Query (FI Payment Document)
- FLQQD3 - Display Query (Invoice Information)
- FLQQD7 - Test Query (Other FI Document)
- FLQC2 - Global Data
- TRMS - Display Structure
- FLQC1 - Liquidity Items
- FLQC7 - G/L Accounts Relevant for Query
- FZ52 - Customizing Reasons for Reversal
- FZ-1 - Number Range Maintenance: FVV_DEBIT
- FZ-2 - Number Range Maintenance: FVV_PARTNR
- FZ-3 - Number Range Maintenance: FVV_VORG
- FZ-4 - No.range maintenance:FVV_ADRNR
- FZ-6 - No.range maintenance:FVV_PARTID
- FZ12 - Circular R5/95 Real Estate
- FZ19 - Customizing Release Object Active ID
- FZ41 - Customizing Internal Partner Role
- FZ45 - Customizing Partner Install. Param.
- FZ59 - Customizing BAV Group 101 (Secur.)
- FZ60 - Customizing BAV Group 101 (Loans)
- FZ61 - Customizing BAV Group 101 (Real Est)
- FZ63 - Customizing BAV Group 102 (Secur.)
- FZ64 - Customizing BAV Group 102 (Real Est)
- FZ66 - Customizing PRF number (Real est.)
- FZ67 - Customizing Sub-section (Securit.)
- FZ68 - Customizing Sub-section (Real Est.)
- FZ69 - Customizing BAV Group 501 (Loans)
- FZ70 - Customizing BAV Group 501 (Secur.)
- FZ71 - Customizing BAV Group 501 (Real Est)
- FZ75 - Customizing BAV Group 201 (Loans)
- FZ76 - Customizing BAV Group 201 (Secur.)
- FZ77 - Customizing BAV Group 201 (Real Est)
- FZ78 - Customizing BAV Group R11/76 (Loans)
- FZ79 - Customizing BAV Group 11/76 (Secur.)
- FZ80 - Customizing BAV Grp R11/76 (RealEst)
- FZ81 - Customizing BAV Group R2/87 (Loans)
- FZ82 - Customizing BAV Group R2/87 (Secur.)
- FZ83 - Customizing BAV Grp R2/87 (Real Est)
- FZ85 - Customizing Asset Type DV3/DV8 (Sec)
- FZ86 - Cust. Asset Type DV3/DV8 (Real Est)
- FZ92 - Customizing default-ProdTyp/CoCd(DW)
- FZ93 - Customizing Default-ProdTyp/CoCd(DI)
- FZ94 - Customizing Default Value PART (DD)
- FZ95 - Customizing Default Value PART (DW)
- FZ96 - Customizing Default Value PART (DI)
- FZB7 - Statements
- FZBI - BAV Reporting - Real Estate
- FZCU - Customizing Initial Transaction
- FZID - Number Range Maintenance: FVVZ_IDENT
- FZM4 - Treasury Mgmt information system
- FZP0 -
- FZP1 - Create Natural Person
- FZP2 - Create Legal Person
- FZP3 - Change Partner
- FZP4 - Display Partner
- FZP5 - Choose Partner
- FZP6 - Create Legal Person
- FZPA - Create Partner in Role
- FZPB - Change Partner in Role
- FZPC - Display Partner in Role
- FZPE - Change customer (hidden)
- TRMC - Comments Management: Treasury
- FLQCUST - Menu for Liquidity Calc. Settings
- TRME - Create Report
- TRM5 - Change Form
- FLQAL - Assignment from Invoices
- TBDB - Datafeed: Read archives
- FLQC6 - Assignment: Sequences - Bank Accts
- FLQLACC - G/L Accounts List
- FLQMAIN - Liquidity Calculation
- FLQC11 - Query Sequences (Invoice)
- FLQC5 - Query Sequences (Bank Statement)
- FLQC8 - Query Sequences (FI Information)
- FLQQC5 - Queries for Sequences (FI Info.)
- JB68 - Interpolate yield curves
- FZ32 - Cust. Stock Indicator BAV (Display)
- FZ33 - Customizing tax office stock indic.
- FZ34 - Cust. Stock Indicator BAV (Change)
- TBDO - Market Data File: Code Conversion
- TR3Q - Maintain Variants
- TBDA - Datafeed: Real-Time Initialization
- JBGK - Maintain Yield Curve Types
- TBDC - Datafeed: Real-Time monitor
- TBDN - Market Data File Interface - OUTPUT
- TR3S - Define Variant Group
- FLQQD5 - Query Sequences (Invoices)
- TBC5 - Responsibilities for Agent Assgnment
- TBDF - Datafeed: View permitted feeds
- TRMD - Distribute Report
- FZFD - Assign planning levels
- TBD0 - Datafeed: Adminster Archives
- TBD5 - Datafeed: Import market data file
- TR3P - Maintain variant groups
- TR3R - Schedule Variant Group
- TRMP - Transport forms
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